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Library Rules:

  1. Students must observe strict silence in the library.
  2. Students are permitted to enter the Reading Section only on the production of Library Card
  3. Each student can borrow maximum two books from the general section and two books from the Book Bank. The maximum leading period is 14 calendar days.
  4. If a student retains a book beyond the maximum permitted period, a fine is imposed at the rate of Rs. 1.00 (One Rupee Only) per day beyond the maximum period.
  5. Absence from the college is not accepted as an excuse for not returning the book(s) in the time.
  6. Borrowers are responsible for the books which stand against their names. If a book is found damaged at the time of issue, it must be brought to the notice of the Librarian. If the damage is detected at the time of the return, the borrower is to compensate for the damage.
  7. Sub-lending or transferring of books to another person's name is not permitted.
  8. Any loss of books must be immediately reported to the Librarian. The borrower is liable to pay the default fine, if any till the date of such report. He/She will be held responsible for replacing the lost book or paying the cost of the replacement of the book.
  9. The Librarian has the authority to call back any book at any time. If not returned within the stipulated time, a penalty will be imposed. A fine of Rs. 100.00 (Rupees One Hundred only) will be imposed for the issue of a duplicate Library Card.
  10. All students must return the borrowed books before TWO weeks of the commencement of the annual University examinations. Admit cards will be issued only after the clearance from the Library.
  11. Mark sheets will not be issued to the students who are not successful in the University Examinations until they return the books to the library.
  12. Students must surrender the library cards to the library soon after they became casual students. Casual students may use the Reference Section of the library on the production of the valid college fee receipt. They are not allowed to borrow books from the Library.
  13. Students are also encouraged to make use of the Class Library available with most departments of the college.
  14. Thrid year pass out students should withdraw their caution money within the stipulated period. Otherwise money will be forfeited.
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Library Timing

Monday to Friday :10.00 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday : 10.00 am - 1.30 pm
Library Timing for B.Ed. : 12.00 noon - 4.00 pm
Submission of requisition slips : 10.00 am - 2.00 pm
Issue of books : 2.30 pm - 4.45 pm
Return of books : Any time during the working hours.

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